The appeal of a bogey golf strategy is universally engaging for beginner golfers, with the initial aim being to reach the “bogey golfer” status. Achieving bogey golf means averaging one bogey per hole, culminating in a score of 18 shots over par in an 18-hole round. This objective, seemingly simple, presents a notable challenge for those targeting scores below 90. Nevertheless, with a carefully developed bogey golf strategy, this goal becomes more feasible and streamlined. Here are some direct tactics to improve the bogey golf technique.

Mastering bogey golf involves understanding various aspects of the game, including the crucial detail of correctly positioning the clubface at address, a fundamental skill for any golfer striving for improvement.

The Beginner’s Roadmap to Playing Bogey Golf

The quintessential query for emerging golfers is, “What does it take to play bogey golf?” The prime response lies in a trifecta of actions: commit to extensive practice, understand and leverage your strong suits, and devise a robust bogey golf game plan that serves as your dependable guide.

Key Elements of a Successful Bogey Golf Strategy

While a comprehensive bogey golf strategy is too elaborate to distill into one piece, several critical elements form its core:

  • Strategizing tee shots;
  • Planning approach shots;
  • Tactics for scoring;
  • Strategies for recovery shots;
  • Methods and tactics for putting.

Tee Shot Strategy

To excel in bogey golf, it’s essential to determine the optimal side of the fairway for positioning your ball to simplify your subsequent shot. This principle holds true for par 3s as well—knowing the best part of the green to aim for increases your chances for par or bogey.

Your strategy should not just aim for bogeys but should incorporate methods to achieve par, especially on the more challenging holes. While your overall target might be a bogey-per-hole average, the reality will likely include a mix of scores. A typical round might include a combination like 4 pars, 11 bogeys, a couple of double bogeys, and a triple bogey for good measure. This gives a more tangible idea of what bogey golf looks like in practice, though your mileage may vary with countless scoring combinations possible.

Approach Shot Strategy

Should you find yourself more than 50 yards from the flag or if the flag is not situated squarely in the middle of the green, it’s advisable to resist targeting the pin directly. Such attempts often lead to poorer outcomes and can land you in difficult situations. Adhering to a bogey golf mindset means opting for the secure play. Assess the location of hazards and barriers surrounding the green and make a calculated decision on your shot with these considerations in mind.

A golfer prepares to swing at a ball on a tee in a sunny, grassy field

Scoring Tactics for a Bogey Golf Strategy

As highlighted earlier, discerning when to chase par and when to settle for bogey is essential. Each course will present several holes where a bogey is an acceptable target, but generally, setting par as the objective before each tee-off is advisable. Scoring strategies are essentially about gauging when to push for a better outcome and when to adopt a more cautious and reserved approach.

It’s crucial to acknowledge that misfires will happen, and this is where scoring strategies become particularly important. Following an errant shot, it’s important to reassess both the hole and your current position. If you’re in a bind—be it sand, woods, or thick rough—your next move is likely a chip or pitch back onto the fairway. The priority is to place yourself in a favorable spot to take aim at the green with your third stroke.

Recovery Shots Strategy

Discussing the topic of chips from difficult lies back to the fairway brings up an important point: recovery shots should be approached with conservatism in mind. The goal isn’t necessarily to save par; this could be the moment for one of those double or triple bogey holes that are part of the game. Encountering trouble on the course is normal, but the key is to extricate oneself promptly, avoiding the temptation for overly ambitious “hero shots.”

Putting Bogey Golf Strategy and Tactics

A single putt holds the same value as a drive covering 250-300 yards. It’s a startling comparison that beginner golfers often overlook, as they might not dedicate as much attention to putting as they do to the long game, yet its importance cannot be overstated.

A crucial component of putting is developing a strategy that accounts for the ball’s next position, taking into consideration the slope and speed of the green. While several variables influence a successful putting strategy, the primary objective should be to eradicate three-putt greens.

In addition to cutting out three-putts, strive to bring the ball within 3 feet of the hole on the first putt. Whenever possible, aim to leave an uphill putt, which is generally more manageable than a putt that runs downhill.

Quick Strategies for Excelling in a Bogey Golf Round

A golf ball on the green near the hole with players in the background

The Importance of Warm-Up Routine

  • A thorough warm-up is an indispensable element of golf, vital not only for enhancing performance but also for maintaining health and ensuring readiness for each round;
  • The possibility of injury lurks in the simplest of actions, such as an improper twist or a strained muscle, which can abruptly sideline a golfer for weeks.

Expand Your Short Game Practice

  • Refining your pitching, chipping, and bunker play is instrumental in lowering your scores;
  • This is particularly true for novice or high-handicap golfers who may not regularly reach the greens in regulation, making a solid short game critical;
  • Dedicating time to these aspects will undoubtedly translate to more saved pars and the occasional birdie.

Focus on Reducing Three-Putts

  • The significance of avoiding three-putts bears repeating due to its profound impact on your scorecard;
  • These can drastically inflate your score, and therefore, practicing putting with a focus on distance control and accuracy within 10 feet is essential;
  • Mastering these putting skills can lead to more consistent two-putts or even the occasional one-putt, significantly improving overall scoring. 

Consider Alternatives to Using Your Driver

  • If you find yourself struggling with your driver, it might be beneficial to leave it in the locker room;
  • Many golfers have discovered that opting for clubs with less dispersion on their drives can lead to more favorable positions for their second shot, ultimately improving their overall performance.

Prioritize Keeping the Ball in Play

  • Adopt a cautious approach to your shots. Emphasize safety and consistency over aggressive plays;
  • By aiming for the center of the green or steering clear of hazards like water, you’re more likely to keep the ball in play;
  • Remember, it’s often more advantageous to take an extra stroke than to incur penalties.


This article has covered various tips and elements of bogey golf strategy, which are intended to assist in enhancing golf skills. It’s important to recognize that mastering bogey golf is a gradual process, requiring significant practice and time that cannot be accomplished overnight. With dedication and effort, success in this aspect of golf is highly achievable. Persistence is key; even in moments of seeming stagnation, continued practice is essential for eventual improvement.